Many couples in troubled relationships wait too long to get help. By the time both parties agree to counselling, the relationship has often been strained to the breaking point. Divorce and separation can be an inherently stressful time because the ending of a relationship is a painful and complex experience. Settling relationships involve legal, parental, financial, emotional, mental, and family/social considerations. Minimising conflict and the negative impact it has on children is a priority that requires effective communication and careful planning.
Communication skills, problem solving strategies, conflict resolution and stress reduction abilities are essential. Counselling is an important factor for non-combative relationship change. It focuses on the present, not the past. It helps people identify negative interaction patterns, recognise their individual role in them and do their part to change them. We focus on getting to know our clients, learning what their relationship issues are, and then moving forward with techniques that encourage the building of new skills.

Our trained counsellors and mental health professionals will make a better assessment of the situation, listen with a non-judgmental approach in a caring and supportive environment to help you find a way through any difficulties you may be facing and help you make the most of your relationship for the future.