Gender and Sexuality

Sexual orientation indicates whom an individual is sexually and emotionally attracted to. This can mean males or females of the same or opposite sex. Individuals with a heterosexual preference are attracted to people of the opposite sex. Homosexuality refers to individuals who are interested in people of the same sex. Many individuals who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT) find the experience very confusing and at times quite lonely. LGBT individuals seek counselling for help with the many of the same clinical and life issues as heterosexuals.

Whether or not one is seeking counselling for issues related to LGBT status, it is imperative to feel supported and able to speak freely in order to benefit from the therapeutic experience.

Our trained mental health professionals will provide a confidential and safe environment to listen to the difficulties one is facing and recommend steps on how to work through them. Counselling will also help individuals gain a greater degree of self-awareness and understanding to improve self-esteem as well as mental and physical health.

Gender And Sexuality
Gender And Sexuality